Professional Palm Tree Removal Whangarei
Quality services down to the roots.
0800 TreesGo – 0800 8733746
We are Experts on removal and pruning Phoenix Palms trees, Professional Palm tree removal in Whangarei.
To trim a palm tree required skill, expertise and experience and we have all of them with more than 18 years and servicing Whangarei since 2009.
Talking about Pruning the palms trees not all of them need to be pruning some Palms are self cleaning but others palm like Livistona, Washingtonia, Sabal, Borassus, Hyphanae, Cocothrinax, Thrinax and Phoenix are not self cleaning and pruning is required.
If you are looking for someone to take care of your palm trees you have found the right people just call us for your free non obligation quote.
Professional Palm tree removal in Whangarei Northland.
Photo is from a Phoenix palm tree removed in Onerahi Whangarei, we cover all areas from Whangarei and around.

We can Removal trees and Palm trees in Confined Spaces, were tree access is restricted by houses or buildings, we got the expertise gain after years of challenging trees removals.
As an owner operated business I can provide top quality at competitive price.
More than 19 years experienced. ( in Whangarei since 2009.)
Prompt, very reliable and competitive.
Fully insured, public liability cover for your peace of mind.
Call San for a free non obligation quote at 0800 TreesGO – 0800 8733746
or txt 0800 873 3746 home 09 436 16 55